What are review profiles?

Many review websites allow the company to create or claim their review profile.   Once verified, they have access to make change to the review profile like update company information and add additional information.  They can also then reply to reviews for your patio coverings or home energy auditor company.

Business information

Like a business listing, you can add business information to your review profile. This will include your business name, address, phone, website, email, description, history, logo and photos. Each review website might have specialized information you can add. Such information might be services you offer, licenses obtained or past work.

Standardize information

Also like a business listing, you will want to standardize the data across all your review profiles. The data on your review profiles and business listing accounts should match and be standardized.

Summary about review profiles

Review profiles are available on different review websites.  You can claim or create new review profiles for your patio coverings or home energy auditor company.  Once you have access, you can add your business information and standardize it.

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