Introduction to a marketing strategy

A marketing strategy is the specific direction that will be taken with your marketing plan for your siding, gutter or garage door business.  Once you have your marketing goals and target market, you next develop the details.  These details include your unique selling proposition and the 7 Ps.

Unique selling proposition

Your unique selling proposition (USP) is what makes your products or services different from your competition.  Your unique selling proposition is what is of most interest to your buyer persona.

To come up with a unique selling proposition, you need to think about what would motivate your buyer persona to purchase your service or product over the competition.  This should address how it solves their problems.  Your unique selling proposition is the benefit your customer will receive.  It should focus on the value given to your customer.  Your USP is more than a slogan.  It is the way that your business works.

To create a unique selling proposition for your business, here are the steps:

  • List all your differentiators
  • Research your competition
  • Compare your benefits to your customer’s need
  • Organize the research
  • Create a statement that is your unique selling proposition

The 7 “Ps”

The 7 Ps are a model to define the marketing mix that should be part of your marketing plan.  They are:

  • Product – the products or services you sell
  • Price – the price you sell them for
  • Place – where it is actually sold
  • Promotion – the ways you tell your customer about it
  • People – people in your business
  • Process – the delivery of it to the customer
  • Physical evidence – the physical thing that validates a purchase

Summary about a marketing strategy

A marketing strategy is the specific direction that will be taken with your marketing plan.  It consists of your unique selling proposition.  It also includes a marketing model that includes product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence.  A marketing strategy gives you more tools to executing your marketing plan for your siding, gutter or garage door business.

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