Local Service Business

Why you need Digital Marketing

By |2020-05-08T13:42:20-07:00May 6th, 2020|Categories: Digital Marketing|Tags: , , , , |

Introduction about why you need digital marketing Digital marketing is an expansion of traditional marketing that uses Internet technologies to help your business reach its potential audience.  The main reason you need to use digital marketing in your home service business is because [...]

Overview of Digital Marketing for a Home Service Business

By |2020-05-08T13:42:16-07:00May 5th, 2020|Categories: Digital Marketing|Tags: , , , , |

Introduction to digital marketing Digital marketing is a form of marketing for a home service business.  Marketing is a business process where you explain your products and services to a potential client or “market”.  The digital part is what makes digital marketing new.  [...]

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