

How to setup Google Analytics on your WordPress website

By |2020-10-08T20:23:02-07:00October 5th, 2020|Categories: How To|Tags: , |

A website needs to have analytics configured so you can learn more about your website visitors.  A solution is to use Google Analytics.  Google Analytics is a free and popular website analytics service by Google.  It allows you to learn a number of measurements and data about the visitors [...]

Sending email from WordPress for home services business

By |2020-03-09T21:27:07-07:00March 10th, 2020|Categories: Websites|Tags: , |

There are many times where you want to send email from WordPress for your home services business. The simplest way to send email is to add an email address to a WordPress page or post like info@digitalmarketingextreme.com. You can then convert that email address into a hyperlink with the "mailto:" [...]

Recommended WordPress themes

By |2020-03-02T08:44:20-08:00March 3rd, 2020|Categories: Websites|Tags: |

One of the strengths of WordPress is that the layout is independent of the content. The layout can be changed by activating a different theme. Unfortunately, there are so many themes available that picking one is sometimes a challenge. WordPress itself provides a directory of themes at https://wordpress.org/themes/. You can [...]

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