Marketing Tip

How can digital marketing increase leads

By |2021-10-04T15:22:48-07:00September 30th, 2021|Categories: Marketing Tip|

Lead generation is one of the important tactics you can employ in order to generate more leads and conversions. With digital marketing, you can promote your products and services online without having to pay for advertising costs. With the help of an effective lead generation strategy, you can attract potential [...]

How to engage customers

By |2021-08-27T18:08:44-07:00September 23rd, 2021|Categories: Marketing Tip|

If you want customers to become more loyal to your brand or business, the first step is to engage them. Some examples of engaging are building relationships with customers and using social media activities like fan pages, blog posts, and events to let customers know about your business. Customer loyalty [...]

How to stop spam through your website contact form

By |2021-07-23T16:05:49-07:00September 16th, 2021|Categories: Marketing Tip|

A contact form on your website is a great way to let your website visitors contact you.  They don't need to create an email by copying your email address and going to another program.  Unfortunately, because the contract form is on your website, you many receive unwanted spam submissions too.  [...]

What are the benefits of business listings

By |2021-07-23T16:05:49-07:00September 9th, 2021|Categories: Marketing Tip|

Business listings are information about your company on Internet websites.  The business listings contain information about your business like name, address, phone number and website.  It may also have a place for your logo and images about your business.  The main benefit of a business listing is another opportunity for [...]

Create a style guide

By |2021-06-25T17:11:27-07:00August 19th, 2021|Categories: Marketing Tip|

A style guide is a document that includes information about different graphic design elements for your business.  It could start simply with the electronic version of your business logo.  Additional things to include are the color values used in your logo and the font.  Then, it could include all color [...]

Why use a CRM

By |2021-06-25T17:11:27-07:00August 5th, 2021|Categories: Marketing Tip|

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution helps to organize your lead and sales processes.  A CRM stores contact and company information.  This information is then linked to leads or sales steps.  All the activities for your leads and sales processes can be recorded. The main benefit of a CRM is [...]

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